When Is It Time to Consider a New Air Conditioning System?


If your system is over 12 years old, the risk of it breaking down increases and the cost of potential repairs goes up as well.

Expensive Repair Bill

We recommend that you consider replacing your system whenever the cost of a repair times how ever many years old the system is exceeds $4,000.

Excessive Energy Use

Older systems use more energy than newer, more efficient systems.  Energy savings can help offset the cost of a new system.

Lack of Features

While we survived for years on few features, today's HVAC systems can integrate with Smart technology you are already using.

Request Your Free No-Obligation System Replacement Quote Today

Are you curious what it might cost to replace or upgrade your current HVAC system?  Click below to request a free estimate.

Andy, the owner of ECS Comfort Heating & Cooling, will come to your home, take measurements, ask you some questions, and prepare for you a free, no obligation price quote with options.  He will also help you arrange for financing if you're interested in financing your new system.

The prices in our quotes are good for 30 days.

Request a Quote
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